How can we provide responsive and impactful support to state and local election administrators?
Challenges in getting resources to the frontlines
- The EAC plays a crucial role in supporting election administration but struggles with effectively getting resources into the hands of those on the frontlines.
- Despite having abundant documentation and resources on its website, the EAC lacks visibility into how these materials are used by local election officials.
Limited impact measurement
- Difficulty in assessing the agency’s responsiveness and impact due to the lack of usage data.
- Election officials need quick answers, but available information is often too general and not tailored to local needs.
Need for practical support
- Officials face challenges in translating theoretical guidance into practical application.
- A platform is needed that provides access to best practices and facilitates real-time support and peer collaboration.
Civic roundtable platform implementation
- The EAC adopted Civic Roundtable as a federal clearinghouse to transform how resources are distributed and utilized by election officials.
- The platform serves as a hub for election officials to access a comprehensive library of critical documents and engage in real-time interaction with peers and experts.
Enhanced visibility & optimization
- Civic Roundtable improves the EAC's visibility into how resources are engaged across different jurisdictions.
- The platform enables the agency to tailor and optimize its content to better meet the specific needs of local election officials.
Collaborative spaces
- Dedicated spaces for working groups and advisory boards allow members to collaborate efficiently.
- Facilitates idea sharing, feedback on materials, and progress tracking.
Improved responsiveness
- The platform meets the immediate needs of election officials with tailored, practical resources.
- Significantly enhances the EAC’s ability to measure responsiveness and effectiveness.
Efficient election administration
- Supports a more efficient election administration process nationwide by integrating real-time support and collaboration.